Daily Archives: 08/04/2015


Testa, by Peta

Doblar, Depositar, Acortar, Astillar, Cortar, Simplificar, Descomponer, Recortar, Mezclar, Salpicar, Verter, Estampar, Quemar, Rotar, Enganchar, Extender, Colgar, Tensar, Atar, Diseminar, Ordenar, Desechar, Saturar, Encerrar, Rodear, Esconder, Cubrir, Cuajar, Ligar, Dilatar, Diluir, Iluminar, Forzar, Hablar. Así nos introduce el joven artista


Testa, by Peta

Doblar, Depositar, Acortar, Astillar, Cortar, Simplificar, Descomponer, Recortar, Mezclar, Salpicar, Verter, Estampar, Quemar, Rotar, Enganchar, Extender, Colgar, Tensar, Atar, Diseminar, Ordenar, Desechar, Saturar, Encerrar, Rodear, Esconder, Cubrir, Cuajar, Ligar, Dilatar, Diluir, Iluminar, Forzar, Hablar. Así nos introduce el joven artista

/ London

The Unseen, by Ed Thompson

What will we see if somebody shows us what our eyes can not see? In “The Unseen”, the British photographer Ed Thompson explores the boundaries of perception, showing us the things that are outside our visual spectrum or events that go

/ London

The Unseen, by Ed Thompson

What will we see if somebody shows us what our eyes can not see? In “The Unseen”, the British photographer Ed Thompson explores the boundaries of perception, showing us the things that are outside our visual spectrum or events that go