Chromatic Erratics, by Caia Koopman

After various group shows, Caia Koopman presents her first solo exhibition at Spoke Art.

Influenced by pop surrealism and lowbrow, the paintings and illustrations of Caia in “Chromatic Erratics” are inspired by nature  and earth. In fact, Caia hopes her work will raise awareness about the deteriorating ecological state of our earth. “I am pretty much horrified at what humans are doing to the planet and all its inhabitants. There is an incredible imbalance right now, this planet can not sustain the life humans are sucking out of it daily. I hope that my art speaks to people about the respect for nature and our fellow critters that I feel.”

The show consists of a series of small to medium sized portraits and one large-scale mural, a kind of reflection into Caia’s artistic mind.










When: until March 28th

Where: Spoke Art Gallery – 816 Sutter St. – San Francisco, CA 94109

About Astrid Jacomme

Cuando tuve que decidir que hacer con mi vida, decidí hacerme... Química. Curiosa elección. Pero a decir verdad, si no hubiera estudiado química, habría sido fotógrafa. O periodista. O crítica de arte. O quizás presidente del club de fans de Radiohead. Me apasiona la música, el arte y la fotografía en particular... y me encanta escribir para compartirlo.
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