Confabulation, by Johnie Thornton

Johnie Thornton is a self-taught artist based in Los Angeles. This month he presents his solo show “Confabulation” in Moen Mason Gallery in Tuscan, Arizona.

Thornton has developed a unique painting style while experimenting with many different mediums both traditional and unconventional. His latest works explore abstract and geometric designs.

But for sure, the most differentiator are his blue-skinned characters, with a futuristic and pop touch.

“My work focuses on depth, color, and form. My current body of work uses geometry as an expression of movement, communication and growth to explore the uneasy relationship between humans and nature. Through the manipulation of image and plain, I create an environment of both ease and discomfort, examining an inner struggle between the appreciation and disdain of man’s creations and accomplishments.”

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When: from February 14th, 2015

Where: Moen Mason Gallery – 222 E 6TH ST. TUCSON, AZ 85705

About Astrid Jacomme

Cuando tuve que decidir que hacer con mi vida, decidí hacerme... Química. Curiosa elección. Pero a decir verdad, si no hubiera estudiado química, habría sido fotógrafa. O periodista. O crítica de arte. O quizás presidente del club de fans de Radiohead. Me apasiona la música, el arte y la fotografía en particular... y me encanta escribir para compartirlo.
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