Marc Chagall – Una Retrospettiva 1908-1985

Capture d’écran 2014-11-30 à 16.53.57The Palazzo Reale of Milan presents the largest exhibition ever dedicated to Marc Chagall in Italy.

The exhibition “Marc Chagall – Una Retrospettiva 1908-1985” is divided into different sections, following the important steps of Chagall’s life: the first works made in Russia, the first stay in France an the subsequent return to Russia in 1921 and the second period of his exile (in France and then in America.

Over 220 works forms this retrospective, mainly paintings, from “Le Petit Salon” (1908) to works of the 80s.

Chagall was a pioneer of modernism and a major Jewish artist. The work of Chagall connects with different artistic movements, from parisian avant-guard style to cubism, symbolism and fauvism.

The artist found the inspiration in love, life memories and Russian and Jewish traditions.

For sure this exhibition is a very good occasion to discover the entire work of Marc Chagall, one of the most important artist of the 20th century.


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Until January 18th, 2015.

Palazzo Reale Milano – Piazza del Duomo, 12 – Milano


About Astrid Jacomme

Cuando tuve que decidir que hacer con mi vida, decidí hacerme... Química. Curiosa elección. Pero a decir verdad, si no hubiera estudiado química, habría sido fotógrafa. O periodista. O crítica de arte. O quizás presidente del club de fans de Radiohead. Me apasiona la música, el arte y la fotografía en particular... y me encanta escribir para compartirlo.
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